~ Fresh, innovative, imaginative, inspirational - this collection of nine complete sessions and varied additional ideas will breathe life into your understanding of mission in services and group settings. Practical and easy-to-follow directions will help you make the most of exploring the Bible text together, with activities that appeal to a wide range of learning styles: everything from games and drama to meditation and music - and more!
1. Creation - the message of hope (Genesis 1:27-31; 3:8-24; 12:1-5)
2. The message of blessing (Psalm 67)
3. The message for the least deserving (Jonah)
4. The message in person - Jesus! (Luke 2: 21-40)
5. Training manual for messengers (Matthew 10)
6. The Great Commission - getting the message out! (Matthew 28:16-20)
7. Power to communicate the message (Acts 2)
8. The message proclaimed through community (Acts 11:19-30)
9. The glorious end of the message (Revelation 21:1-8; 21:22-22:5)