~ Encounter with God is Scripture Union's daily Bible reading guide designed to lead you to a deeper understanding about what God is saying to you and to his world today. You’ll find its thorough and energetic investigation of the whole Bible inspiring and stimulating. And you’ll discover that its biblical exposition is complemented by pastoral warmth from a strong field of writers and contributors. As well as daily content, feature articles provide insights into Christian spirituality, tackle contemporary issues, and profile teachers who inspire.
Spotlight on… – The Bible and me – Andy Bathgate
Editorial: Life After Easter
The Writers
Scripture Union Article: Patience Pays Off
Using this Guide
Mark 16 - Brian Radcliffe
Deuteronomy 1–15; Psalms 131,132,13 - Howard Peskett
Acts 17–21; Psalms 134, 135 - Peter Pothan
Galatians; Psalm 136 - Jonny Libby
Light for My Path: Something about myself – and the Bible - Vivien Whitfield
1 Chronicles 10–29; Psalms 137,138,139 - Vivien Whitfield
John 1–5; Psalms 140,141,142 - Tanya Ferdinandusz